Internally a function CSSSave is defined that converts the Mathematica style sheet to a Cascading style sheet. If you only need to create a css file from a Mathematica Style sheet, this is the function you need. It has the same syntax as HTMLSave:
• CSSSave["file.css"] saves an CSS version of the style sheet used or defined in the currently selected notebook in the front end.
• CSSSave["file.css", "source.nb"] saves an CSS version of the styles used or defined in the notebook from the file source.nb.
• CSSSave["file.css", notebook] saves an CSS version of the styles corresponding to the specified notebook object.
• CSSSave has the following options:
ConversionStyleEnvironment | Working | Which environment from the style sheet should be used |
CSSVersion | CSS1 | Version of the CSS definition (CSS1, CSS2, NN4 or IE4) |
ReturnSSData | False | used internally by HTMLSave |
WriteSSData | False | not implemented yet |
• CSSSave is normally not called directly but internally by HTMLSave.
• See also: HTMLSave, TeXSave, Display, HTMLSave extensions